Gift Cards -The Rotarary Engine of Bourgeois Currency

Since the beginning of currency the masses along with the political elite and the bourgeois have used a system of exchange. This was established first off of rare metals and minting. Next, there was the invention of paper money along with the banking system. Governments embraced it because they were allowed to print money which thus affects inflation and gives them extra capital/power over the economy. In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto created an e-coin database and mines which allowed people to trade in the black market and without government regulation or observation. Also, Capital now is shifting towards a anarcho-communist/capitalist society into Anarcho-Technocracy. And, this e-coin vs paper money is the modern dialectic of illuminati anarchist versus big government democrats. Alongside these three major currencies there has been a fourth that does not get the same attention in the mass media. It is the gift card which represents its own currency with the bourgeois empire.DefinitionsBourgeois (From Google AI) -The bourgeoisie is a social class of wealthy people, business owners, and merchants Proletariat (From Wikipedia) - Marx defined the proletariat as the social class having no significant ownership of the means of production (factories, machines, land, mines, buildings, vehicles) and whose only means of subsistence is to sell their labour power for a wage or salary. Anarchy No government Anarcho Communism Looting/digital looting/building castles like medieval Europe (millions of small kingdoms on Earth)/looting means of productionAuthoritarian Communism Rulers will be forced to share
1st Caste Brahmans - The first class of India, the word Bhraman comes from the word Brahma which is the four headed old God of reproduction and knowledge. These people are either Yogis, Buddhists, Saints, People in an order, or just Vagabonds living an aesthetic life
2nd Caste of India Kshatriyas - The Government or Warriors. Most Sikhs identify as this caste more as a warrior than as a part of the government.
3rd Caste of India Vaishyas - This is the Business or Commerce class. This entails all people proletariat or bourgeoisie
4rd Caste of India Sudras - These are the people outside of the economy or positions of power. The higher ones in the caste work in the economy as cleaners or other dirty work where others beg.The gift card is a typical holiday or birthday present. Kids buy them to top up their video game subscriptions without a credit card or to buy music on Itunes. Also, Ecoin websites such as allow you to trade e-coin instantaneously for digital gift cards at a plethora of businesses. If you trade Cronos e-coin you even get a kickback of 1.25% Cronos at You can shop online at Amazon, gas at Esso, or even cash out before the crash and go on a shopping spree at Walmart.The Bourgeois can monitor their own currency within the empire. This can act as an internal currency that they can give to friends, employees or even as cashback on purchasesWhen the business sells a gift card there is two entries made. One to debit the asset in the ‘bank’ account. And one to credit the ‘gift card’ in the liabitiesMicro economic singularity should be attained when the economic and social connections are met.Gift cards are to become ⅓ of all exchange value on Earth. The rotary engine of exchange value as a pie chart representing as e-coin/rare metals/gift cardsNow as the world enters a return to Monarchy. The Bourgeois are to become the next heads of government. This gift card currency is less prone to inflation compared to e-coin and paper money. Rare metals also have this same stability that business currency holds