Marxism - Gift Cards and the rotary engine of currency
Logic as we know in the west is pretty straight forward. It can be expressed as 1+1=2. Or even as Socrates put if A=B and B=C then A=C. Then in the east there is a logic of contradiction. There is emptiness that cannot be defined. If I told you "I'm here, but I'm not here". You may think I showed up but my attitude or heart isn't fully committed. This pushes the limits of language outside the classical bounds. It makes the person think about possible meanings and come up with something for themselves. When somebody points and says this is a rock. There is a lot more going on that the appearance of a stone. There is history that makes up this rock, the atomic makeup of the rock. Maybe the person pointing knows all this but when you here it is a rock there is a simple story and a more complex one.How can you take A and make it B. 1=2 and 2=a so 1=a is problematic. 1 and a are different things. The one flower is yellow like the other flower and that one is yellow like another flower so the first flower and the another flower is the same. Now they might have the same wavelength of light coming from them but what makes them the same? It is kind of a cop out to same everything is one and we should stop doing logic so I am going to entertain this. Think of a bucket without a bottom. You can still put water in it if it's on a flat surface. Is this a bucket. You can't walk around with it. If you think something is a bucket but it's missing it's bottom you might get thirsty. What if your idea is a bottomless bucket. You use it to get through the world but it's incomplete. It works it certain situations but not in others. They is what enlightenment is. You put a bottom on your bucket and can carry water.Our behaviour can me objectively analysed. “I went to the store”. If you went to the store this is factual. Paradigm shift occurs when the current valid system is not performing compared to recent theories. Although, old paradigms offer valid and fruitful observations so they are not to be completely abandoned. Leading theories are more interesting as far as they are more worked out and offer new ways of understanding the world. Capitalism, apathy, politicsModern MarxismThe modern Class system is based off a six class realityCriminals - Has stars activeUnderclass - no job, begging/ground scores/ welfareProletariat - sell their labourPetit Bourgeois - 10 million capitalBig Boy Bourgeoisie - 100 billion CapitalElite - Political powerPolitics were a big part of my education in University. While in university I had the luxury of being able to think about many countries from a traveller perspective. Now days I don't vote. I don't want to be involved in any political system. One must recognize the government for what it is. It a public body that regulates our life in a macro way. In Canada we vote on representatives whom make laws or destroy laws. The system is so ancient and 1 stage past monarchy that I don't even want to participate. In the U.S.A. the country was founded on revolution. The monarch doesn't et the ultimate title to your land. Its not a nation built to serve the king. They don't have the old laws from the British monarchy.. For a while in university I was a pretty die hard leftist. Then I realized big government likes to snoop into your life too much. Both sides are completely fucked and nobody has a better solution. Sometimes ancient solutions work for the modern world. Capitalism is an ancient system of trade and barter. It allows personal property and competition. It's brutally efficient but leaves many people unable to provide for themselves. Capitalism allows for less government interaction in the distribution system. I like my toothbrush and my jade bracelet I don't want to share.Capitalism is a system of private property. People can exchange money for items and land. Also you have the option to sell your labour in exchange for capital. Capitalism drives innovation, allowing new trends to take off, and investments for promising projects. The main feature of capitalism is that you can own stuff. There are laws protecting your property to you and you are free to do what you wish with your capital. You always here that people are socialists in their youth and then lean more economically to the right in their age. The market is not easy to navigate for most youth. They lack the skills and business sense that older people have. Market skills are poorly taught in our education systems even in business school. What if we had a capitalism without poverty? Could we do this while lowering taxes to make the market actually work?Apathy usually comes from a deeper place than politics. I suppose one could be apathetic towards sports and passionate about politics. I'm not saying you have to get politically apathetic. Instead, I'm giving some insight into my perspective. There's the obvious reasons like your vote probably won't be the deciding vote. Or political involvement brings stress and responsibility. For me the big one is the responsibility. If the government knows I vote for an opposing party the next four years the deep state with fuck with you because you are a threat to their power. Foreign governments might know who you vote for and might like it when you travel their.A big reason to stay out of politics is because you don't have to have stupid conversations with people that are really passionate but have no deep insight. People think you are irresponsible if you don't vote but are happy to hear that you don't vote against them. Take a country like Canada. There are three major parties. Conservative, Liberal, and Socialist. The conservators serve the top 30%, the liberal the middle, and the Socialists the bottom. What is the point of voting if you not helping everyone.Apathy is a common theme in Eastern philosophy. Simply accepting the modern world and learning to enjoy it. Realizing everything is temporary and the moment is to be enjoyed. Meditation helps a lot with this to stop thinking of the past and future.The Buddha talks alot about apathy. To seek nirvana is accepted in Buddhism but not in stocism. Stocism is more about not feeling pain than reaching your full potential. With the Buddha he wants you to see the temporality. You could die tomorrow so you should enjoy today. In Thomas Hobbes Leviathan we wrote of a polis acting as a Leviathan made by the people over the people. This was more understood as a monarchy in his day. What would a world look like without this Leviathan? There are some modern day examples such as the Favelas in Brazil, Christiania in Denmark.